August 10, 2009

The grounds are beginning to come alive

Just think, in two days the Essex County Fair will be in full action. I think you will be pleasantly suprised at all the things that are new this year. Ways of the Woods has their truck and trailer on the grounds and it is right by Floral Hall. Speaking of Floral Hall it will be filled with many vendors, some new and some of the old standbys.

Speaking of moving in, word around the grounds is that the camping area is full and some people are still calling to come in. What a beautiful spot the campsites are in. The views are fenominal from there. Some can even look out their windows and watch all that is going on on the track.

The horse show is looking to be a huge entity this year. The equine hotels reservations have come in steadily, so come check out the different breeds horses and types of English and Western classes. Our show is small compared to many fairs, but those who come, and some come from a distance, think it is the most fun. What I like about our shows is that everyone roots for everybody else. The gymkhana on Sunday is based on individual time and the rooting gets very active. Everyone has a blast. On Saturday night there will be Horses and Music as locals take on the task of showing what they got in an entertainment form of riding. Our county is new to this, but we have had some awesome coreography by some of our riders in the past.

There will be sheep and a pig along with the chickens and rabbits in the small animal barn. Baby chicks and ducklings will be a main attraction in Baby Barn.

Thursday night is Square Dance night with Gary Finney. I know there are many people who love to dance and if your in the mood, come see the fair during the day and swing your partner at night.

Two by two Zoo should be coming in today or tomorrow. It will be exciting to see all their animals. They were here for several years three years ago and it will be nice to have them back again, this year.

The conservation area has a new look and their are will be more fish housed in the new building there.

Of course the sugar house is new this year. Our neighboring counties maple producers have worked diligently to get this set up and will have a variety of maple products to sell.

4-Hers will have the dairy bar on the porch. Procedes go to sponsor 4-H trips. It takes a lot of willing voluteers to manage this, so please stop and get your ice cream fix!

March 11, 2009

160th in retrospect

160th Essex County Fair
We had great things for our 160Th Essex County Fair! Check our website: for award listings for each event.Sisco StreetWestport, NY518-962-8650Email: countyfairfun@yahoo.comHere's a sample of what we had in 2008:Wednesday Special: 4 p.m. to 9 p.m.-Car Load for $25-includes carnival rides.Senior Citizens Days: Wednesday and Thursday. $2 food coupon w/regular admission price.Family Entertainment Area: Buffalo Barfield, The Fire Fighter, Jason's sweet Lips the Cow and Mathew Hauss, The Carver.South Stage Music Series: Upstate New Yorkers, Too Tall String Band with North Country Cloggers, Howie Campbell Gosphel Band, and The Norsemen. Open mike on Sunday so bring your voice and/or your instrument and join the fun.Fireworks: Thurday night at dusk between truck pulls.

Check out pictures of events in earlier posts.

Why Sponsorship?

Check this out to see reasons why companies sponsor events. Could one of these be a reason for you to Sponsor events at the Essex County Fair????

March 03, 2009


Click on this title to see our newest educational program to be offered this year at the 161st. The word from our President is that this is awesome!

"Ways of the Woods: People and the Land in the Northern Forest is the Center’s mobile museum about the changing relationships among people and the land. This traveling exhibition combines interactive displays with live performance and demonstration to showcase the history, culture and heritage of the Northern Forest. "

2008 ECF Slide Show-click here to start

More photos for your enjoyment. Hope you can find some of you or your family!


This slide show of fantastic shots is courtesy of Alvin Reiner, staff writer and photographer of the Plattsburgh Press Republican. I am amazed at the shots of the demolition derby. There is a passion in all these photos that takes my breath away.
These photos are for personal use only. Thank you Alvin for allowing the ECF to use these.

Click on Title to start the show!

Rondack Rambler Photo
New Russia, NY 12964

February 19, 2009

Two by Two Zoo Returns for the 161st

Back by popular demand, The Two By Two Zoo will return for your enjoyment.

"the Zoo with the Roo! Our amazing animals are always a big HIT! Hopping kangaroos, flying lemurs, Hilarious Monkeys! Pythons, parrots and goats... IT'S TRUE... we are an awesome educational traveling zoo!"

NYS Agriculture Bills

Here is the link for the Farm Bureau website which lists bills and budget change proposals. The site helps you find your representatives so you can write or email them on the different issues, and a sample letter with each change that can be printed or emailed.

One proposed change is cutting premium money to fairs. This would impact our little fair greatly. This money supports our animal shows, with the majority paid as 4-H premiums.

Our kids work hard with their projects all year long and look forward to the fair as their way of showing off this project. With the cost of veterinary testing, shots, and required paper work, it costs $100 minimum for the first animal in a herd to come to fair. Figure this along with transportation to and from each day, time at the fair to put on the shows, and dedication of the child.

Please offer your support and take the time to write in support of continued premiums! Thanks to those who care.